Each member shall have the option of allowing her personal information to be shared with the membership. The Executive will require the information but will be obligated to ensure their member's privacy requests are honoured. When membership ceases, the Executive will remove all personal information from the club's current records.

Contact information is published only on the website and can only be viewed by other members. Membership shall be revoked for any member found using or supplying the membership list for the purpose of selling or soliciting.


Membership dues are not refundable.

Luncheon costs are refundable if the member cancels their registration during the cancellation period. The member will be offered the choice of a refund or retention of the luncheon cost for future use. Queries regarding refunds should be directed to the Treasurer.


All activities of the Club (NOVA) are arranged and carried out by it's members, without remuneration, solely for the benefit of the members. It is, therefore, a condition of membership that neither the Club nor any member shall be liable to any other member (including their partner/spouse/children/friends/family member/pets) for any damages or injury, however caused, suffered in consequence of taking part in any activity or function arranged or conducted by the Club.

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